If You Strongly Disagree With Someone’s Beliefs, Try Understanding Their Needs






I grew up as a Christian and one day… I stopped taking my beliefs seriously enough to continue to identify as a Christian. After about a two year period of disillusionment I became an atheist briefly… but once again I didn’t take my beliefs seriously enough and started “cheating” by entertaining spiritual possibilities. I now consider myself new age, but it’s really not that serious. I understand why everyone believes what they believe.  Continue reading “If You Strongly Disagree With Someone’s Beliefs, Try Understanding Their Needs”

You Can’t Be Authentic When You Have Handlers and a PR Team

“Heroism is governed by an unspoken covenant in which the hero must maintain the heroic narrative or lose the rewards of fan worship like cultural relevance, for example.”

-Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond

I fantasize about being a celebrity all the time. I’m not exactly sure what capacity I would serve in. All I know is that my shadow side wants power, and I’m okay with that. I want to be admired for helping people and I want to be sexy while doing it. But in the long run, I think I’ll stick with my quiet, drama-free life away from the spotlight and I’ll tell you why: Continue reading “You Can’t Be Authentic When You Have Handlers and a PR Team”

The Duality/Freewill Contract

Duality started this whole thing. I enjoy writing about my hypocrisy. My hypocrisy is consistent so I know I’ll never run out of material. I don’t remember the first time that I felt like a hypocrite but I know that I’ve felt this way for most of my life. I’ve always done what you’re not supposed to do. Continue reading “The Duality/Freewill Contract”

Why I Like Making Extroverts Feel Bad

Do you walk around wearing labels? Oh just be honest! I walk around wearing the “minority” label quite proudly. Not only am I a minority, I’m a “multi-hyphenate minority:” Black, Woman, Introvert, Awkward… etc.  I love making people feel bad about the fact that I’m in the minority, especially when the other person is in the majority. Take my introversion for example, I love throwing it in extroverts’ faces that I’m an introvert. Continue reading “Why I Like Making Extroverts Feel Bad”