Here’s What I Think Incompatibility Really Means: An Astrological Shadow Work Exercise

If to know yourself is to love yourself, then to love someone else is to know them too right? But what does it mean when you get to know someone, and you don’t like them? Do you think that maybe you don’t like them because they remind you of something you don’t like about yourself? What if you don’t like them because they show you something you don’t know about yourself?

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How to Love the Phoniness Out of You, a Shadow Work Exercise



Are you fed up with your phoniness? Well let me put it another way… are you tired of being afraid to show your true self? Do you obsess over things like image, branding, and etiquette? Do you constantly worry about what people think of you? Do you withhold how you really feel from others for the sake of looking good? Do your friends tell you that you are phony? Do you feel like a fraud sometimes?

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You Can’t Have a Love Story without Shadow Work







My love story with Maurice is actually the best love story ever because the irony of it is funny. I don’t like sappy or intense love stories. I only like funny ones: romantic comedies only! I don’t like giving dating advice either because I don’t know much about dating. So when someone asks me for advice, I give them shadow work advice. For example: Did you know that your romantic relationships are a direct reflection of your relationship with your parents? This means that if you want a healthy romantic relationship with someone, you might want to do some shadow work to see what you’re subconsciously attracting.

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I Just Learned That Fear Has a Consciousness and I Wrote Her a Letter









Dear Fear,

Hey Babe. I want to start off by apologizing to you. In the past I really didn’t know you well enough to understand what you’ve been going through this whole time. I thought that you were the enemy. I thought that you were the reason why people hurt each other, why people don’t pursue their dreams, and why people judge each other.

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You Can’t Be Authentic When You Have Handlers and a PR Team

“Heroism is governed by an unspoken covenant in which the hero must maintain the heroic narrative or lose the rewards of fan worship like cultural relevance, for example.”

-Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond

I fantasize about being a celebrity all the time. I’m not exactly sure what capacity I would serve in. All I know is that my shadow side wants power, and I’m okay with that. I want to be admired for helping people and I want to be sexy while doing it. But in the long run, I think I’ll stick with my quiet, drama-free life away from the spotlight and I’ll tell you why: Continue reading “You Can’t Be Authentic When You Have Handlers and a PR Team”