Gaia is Quite Grown and Doesn’t Need Anyone to Save Her

“Gaia, the earth is angry at us!”

“Global warming is real!”

“Global warming is not real!”

“Eat organic and don’t eat meat.”

“Don’t litter.”

“Save all the endangered species.”

“The oils have contaminated the oceans.”

“Chemtrails are destroying the atmosphere!”

I’ve said or thought all of the above. When I first learned about the earth’s sentience, I felt the need to come to her rescue. I thought she was angry at humans. I was overwhelmed with everything that I thought was required of me until I realized that this was actually a narrow perspective. Things are perfect just the way they are here on Gaia, and we need to trust that she has the strength and the courage to take care of herself.  Continue reading “Gaia is Quite Grown and Doesn’t Need Anyone to Save Her”

Silence is Intimidating but Words Create Duality

How is it possible for an introvert to be uncomfortable with silence? I have no idea, but I’m an introvert and I’m uncomfortable with silence when I’m alone. I like keeping quiet around others because speaking gives the opportunity for words to be misinterpreted; so I’d rather just listen and occasionally throw in a funny or understanding comment. I like watching people listen too. If I’m watching an interview, I pay attention to how well the interviewer is listening to the guest.  Continue reading “Silence is Intimidating but Words Create Duality”

Intuition is the Better Driver, But Ego Will Always Have Your Back

I get along with my ego just fine, even when she flips out or gets scared. I get along with my intuition just fine, even when I feel like she steers me in the wrong direction. But my ego and my intuition don’t seem to get along very well. We’re on the road to finding our own truth and the two of them are constantly fighting over the driver’s seat. Continue reading “Intuition is the Better Driver, But Ego Will Always Have Your Back”

Self-Empowerment and “Nasty People”

The self-empowerment road is very strange. It requires us to make some weird connections. In our society we have the “nice people” and “the nasty people.” We look to media and culture for cues on how to define and react to both groups. For example: 1) the nice people pay their taxes, while the nasty people spend the tax payers’ money; 2) the nice people work and go home to their families, while the nasty people lead selfish and sadistic lives; and 3) the nice people will go somewhere relatively pleasant when they die, while the nasty people will more than likely go to a place of torment. Now, this way of thinking would be completely harmless if the world we live in wasn’t built on duality, but it is, and that makes the way we think of and treat the “nasty people” a self-empowerment issue.  Continue reading “Self-Empowerment and “Nasty People””

A Judgmental Empath is an Empowered Empath

“You are very judgmental!”

“Carla, please don’t judge me.”

“I don’t know about your gift of discernment Carla, you seem a little off.”

“When you say things like that, it makes me feel judged.”

“You are such a bitch.”

It bothers me that the word “empath” is not included in any of my word processor’s dictionaries. It’s not even on, but anyway…I would like to propose a new perspective on judgment because the comments above (that I’ve received) from family, coworkers, and friends have always concerned me.  Now mind you, I’ve been very honest about how mean I used to be, but I’ve also made it clear that I am very sensitive. So let me ask you this? How can a sensitive person be judgmental? Continue reading “A Judgmental Empath is an Empowered Empath”