Transforming Guilt Into Gratefulness: A Shadow Work Exercise

I don’t like taking responsibility for myself on my spiritual journey. I wish I had someone to blame. It’s hard enough trying to figure out why I’m here and what I’m “supposed to learn” while I’m here, but the most annoying thing about being responsible for me and only me is the guilt. I have no one to blame but myself these days.  Continue reading “Transforming Guilt Into Gratefulness: A Shadow Work Exercise”

Humility And Arrogance Are Both Connected To Insecurity

I’ve always liked to believe that arrogance is bad, and humility is good. But what if they’re both bad, and what if they’re both good? Whether good or bad, they’re both connected to insecurity. We like humble people because we’re insecure. We don’t like arrogant people because we are insecure.  Continue reading “Humility And Arrogance Are Both Connected To Insecurity”

Intuition is the Better Driver, But Ego Will Always Have Your Back

I get along with my ego just fine, even when she flips out or gets scared. I get along with my intuition just fine, even when I feel like she steers me in the wrong direction. But my ego and my intuition don’t seem to get along very well. We’re on the road to finding our own truth and the two of them are constantly fighting over the driver’s seat. Continue reading “Intuition is the Better Driver, But Ego Will Always Have Your Back”

A Judgmental Empath is an Empowered Empath

“You are very judgmental!”

“Carla, please don’t judge me.”

“I don’t know about your gift of discernment Carla, you seem a little off.”

“When you say things like that, it makes me feel judged.”

“You are such a bitch.”

It bothers me that the word “empath” is not included in any of my word processor’s dictionaries. It’s not even on, but anyway…I would like to propose a new perspective on judgment because the comments above (that I’ve received) from family, coworkers, and friends have always concerned me.  Now mind you, I’ve been very honest about how mean I used to be, but I’ve also made it clear that I am very sensitive. So let me ask you this? How can a sensitive person be judgmental? Continue reading “A Judgmental Empath is an Empowered Empath”

I Thought I Dealt With the Self-Esteem Issue Already, But it Just Won’t Go Away







Self-esteem is such a nauseating pop culture topic, that I was once ashamed to even admit that I think about it. I’ve thought about it regularly since sixth grade when I wrote an essay on how girls exhibit low self-esteem through aggressive behavior. And ever since then it’s been a topic that I’ve tried to get away from. But you can’t get away from something that you carry within your cellular memory. It will haunt you until you pay attention to it.

Continue reading “I Thought I Dealt With the Self-Esteem Issue Already, But it Just Won’t Go Away”